
Sun, 04/09/2011 - 00:42 -- Remiguel

Logo RB Realbasic has been a really great help to me to program some small applications, some are more scripts or work flows, other are small Apps. I am not maintaining all of these applications for a quite long time. On my page all application are attached compiled applications for Windows and OSX. As I learned a lot reading and studying codes from other, I leave my code sources for who want to use them.

VS LogoVisualBasic. Main of computers are running Windows, Visualbasic is a very popular programming language. I have created with VB, a stand alone application to fetch Access database without using Office. Main of my VB codes are running within Access y Excel.

Php y JavaScript. Is a new experience for me. I have started to learn, using existing code to  create my page Exportación de PDI de OpenStreetMap to give a free service to extract and export POI from OSM database.