

Sun, 04/09/2011 - 00:42 -- Remiguel

Logo RB Realbasic has been a really great help to me to program some small applications, some are more scripts or work flows, other are small Apps. I am not maintaining all of these applications for a quite long time. On my page all application are attached compiled applications for Windows and OSX.

Enhanced features for Collabtive 2.0

Mon, 27/04/2015 - 11:12 -- Remiguel

In November (2014), I started to work on an enhanced timetracker function for Collabtive. I based my work on Collabtive 2.0 I had already customized.
Today this version is working great in my company and I've prepared a live demo, so that you can have a look on it. I will prepare a package with the code (without plugin).



POI-OSM Automation

Tue, 18/12/2012 - 16:19 -- Remiguel

Finally, I completed the automation of data updates for my POI-OSM page. It took longer than expected. On my page POI-OSM you can easily download points of interest from OSM. This Php script allows to update all the data files, in a simple and fast way. This will allow me to keep my page up to date.

POI from OSM

Thu, 15/09/2011 - 22:47 -- Remiguel

OSM LogoPOI OSM It is my last programming work. I have done it, in Php and Java language. The code is based on the one from rullzer y rubke, both member of OpenStreetMap. Everyday OSM is growing and propose to end users reliable free maps and an huge collection of Point of Interest (POI).

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