POI OSM It is my last programming work. I have done it, in Php and Java language. The code is based on the one from rullzer y rubke, both member of OpenStreetMap. Everyday OSM is growing and propose to end users reliable free maps and an huge collection of Point of Interest (POI).
My page allows in a very simple way to download these Points of Interest. Download format are ready for: Nissan Connect, Garmin, Tomtom, Spreadsheet or Kml. For now my page cover Spain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Morocco and Italy.
Mirror POI OSM.
How does it work?
First step, chose a country.
Choose the category you need (at the end of the list you can select one of the 3 groups with several categories).
You need to select the output format now.
Last step, clic on download to get your file.
Hello Chris.
Hello Chris.
Yes indeed, it is possible to add Morocco in the list. OSM data are already available at GeoFabrik for Morocco. I guess the POI collection should be very little because the file has only a size of 33 Mbytes. For France and Germany they are larger than 1 Gbytes.
I will try to add your country shortly. If you need POI urgently please have a look here.
If you feel more comfortable to write in french or spanish language, please clic on the corresponding button.
Hi Chris
Have a try on my page, I've added Morocco just now