I'm using Wrike for managing my projects. From Wrike, MSProject data importation is already integrated. The opposite is not that easy.
I've coded a php script to export Wrike data to MSProject:
- From Wrike export data to Excel.
- Open the file in Excel and replace all semicolon to comas.
- From Excel save your file to csv format (windows)
From Wrike2MSProject
- Select the file
- Click on test (If only one line is skipped it is probably the last line of the file)
- Click on Process
- The file will be download on your disk
From MS Project
- Open the file
- Follow the wizard instructions
- Titles of the column are set to speed up the importation process in MS Project (Check them during the importation)
The tasks and levels, link to the tasks and responsible are imported. Tasks closed will be shown at 100% completion in MS Project.